
While girls with disabilities are included within our rural programs, Lidè also provides a special program in Gonaives that offers individuated and adaptive programs to a group differently abled youth in the Gonaives area. These kids, both boys and girls, have adapted to disabilities that include cerebral palsy, hydrocephaly, muscular dystrophy, and other genetic conditions by utilizing the strengths within them — especially those found within their hearts.  

This program began in early 2016, when, in an attempt to find support services for one of our participants with cerebral palsy, Lidè reached out to the government office in Haiti that provides support for persons with disabilities, known as BSEIPH. We discovered that they didn’t have any programs or activities for youth but they had a big beautiful space. So, we offered to provide the transportation and the programs if the department would provide a list of kids.

The program for these youth still follow the same thematic curriculum as our other programs, but activities are adapted to their abilities while building additional strengths through integration of the arts into:

  • Physical therapy

  • Literacy

  • Basic computer skills

  • Social interaction skills

  • Occupational therapy or training

  • Foundational academic skills